We are delighted to introduce Care Friends, a brand new befriending service for anyone in need of a friendly phone companion on a regular basis.
Care Friends
A Friendly Voice
Aimed at alleviating the negative impacts of loneliness on mental and physical health. The Care Friends service is for anyone feeling lonely, isolated, experiencing anxiety or just wants a friendly voice to speak to regularly.
At a Convenient Time
Agree a regular catch-up time with your Care Befriender. Talk about anything, enjoy a puzzle together, read a book, discuss recipes, the choice is yours. Our hope is that you have a caring friend to chat with, to make you smile and brighten your day.
Totally Free Service
The Care Friend service is completely free and available to anyone who has been referred by a healthcare professional such as a doctor or nurse, or by a friend or colleague who is concerned about your wellbeing.

If you are feeling lonely, anxious or depressed, this service might be for you. If you feel neglected or cut off from the world around, you will find the service useful.
Perhaps you would like weekly conversations with a friendly volunteer on the phone or on video, if so then the Care Friends befriending scheme is for you.
Our befrienders are not counsellors, but are trained to offer a friendly voice you can trust, for friendly conversations and giving a listening ear. All conversations are completely confidential, and your privacy is always protected.
What to Expect
- Befrienders are all volunteers, giving their time for free.
- Befrienders are trained and verified with a personal reference.
- All volunteers are covered by an insurance policy.
- Your conversations are treated with confidentiality and your privacy respected.
- We discuss the scheme in detail with you before matching with a Befriender.
- You are introduced to your befriender by your coordinator.
- A coordinator will keep in regular contact to discuss your progress and resolve any problems promptly.